This page displays html tiles that are stored in the ethereum blockchain, which means that if you purchase one of them, it will live forever*. Even if I decide to take down this server, anyone can make another ui for it and your html will still be there.
Also, once you purchase a tile, it's yours and only yours to do whatever you want with it, you can modify the html as many times as you want and even sell it again.
Keep in mind that the tile is bound to your ethereum adress so please don't lose it.
* Technically not forever, just until the last ethereum node goes down (a long time).
Just click the button on the upper right corner of your favourite tile and it'll be yours for only 500 finney* (0.5 ether).
If there is no buy button it's not a bug, the tile is not for sale.
* If the tile has an owner he can set the price.
In order to browse this webpage you need to be connected to the ethereum blockchain, we recommend using MetaMask but you can also use The Mist browser or other software compatible with the web3 api.
The smart contract is only deployed in the mainnet and the Ropsten testnet so make sure you are connected to one of the two.
Insert the html here:
Once purchased the transaction needs to be mined before a page refresh shows the updated tile, this should take from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the gas price you set for the transaction